Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Information Overload - The Curse of the 21st Century! 3 Simple Tips to Avoid the Noise

I don't know about you but what was once a break through in the ability to access information efficiently and promptly via the web, email and social media has now become a curse!
The amount of information that is pushed via these media sources has become so great that I am suffering information overload - that is - I read very little of what is pushed through to me.
Now I know that I am missing out on alot of very useful knowledge - but hey, when do you get the time to read all this "stuff"?
My tips for sorting through the noise:
1. Unsubcribe to any feeds/email services that definately are of no value - I would suggest 80% of the volume of what you receive will fall into this category
2. Set aside a set period a day, say one half to one hour to absorb those "useful" sources of information
3. Use social book marking sites to organise and save those valuable articles for future reference
Now that all sounds simple, I know - but in practice, this is very difficult. It takes discipline and a desire to push through all the noise...
What strategies do you have to cure the curse......?

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